Sing, Rhyme, and Play is an educational philosophy, an early literacy curriculum, a YouTube Channel, and a series of small group Circle Times on Outschool.

The Sing, Rhyme, and Play method is to sandwich any lesson — be it about reading, a language, playing an instrument, or math — between a song, a rhyme, and a game.

This triple-decker sandwich of feel-good activities serves up the lesson in a way that won’t be forgotten. Now, doesn’t this sound a lot like how you run your storytimes?

That’s because the Sing, Rhyme, and Play method was created while Ms. Christina was working in the children’s department of a public library. And this is why she is thrilled to be Music and Media Consultant for Storytime Solidarity!

The value-added of Sing, Rhyme, and Play is a lot of fresh, new early literacy content, created with kindness at heart and to reflect today’s world. How many times have you put aside a song or rhyme for storytime because it wouldn’t make sense to the kids (a tuffet? curds and whey?), it made you uneasy (why are the mice blind? and why must they lose their tails?), or worse, you found out the song was created for blackface minstrel shows with truly offensive lyrics that were “whitewashed” over time.

In contrast, Ms. Christina provides new, original early literacy songs and rhymes that are free from problematic origins and harmful associations; they’re relevant to today’s world and also free to use for educational purposes. Sing, Rhyme, and Play is your safe storytime solution!

You can find Sing, Rhyme, and Play contributions throughout the Solidarity Song List, Songs We Love, and the Solidarity Blog.