Written by: Kingi M. Ihaka.
Illustrated by: Dick Frizzell.
This beautiful hardback gift edition celebrates 40 years of Aotearoa New Zealand’s Twelve Days of Christmas.
On the first day of Christmas
my true love gave to me
a pūkeko in a ponga tree.
Written by the distinguished composer and Māori Language Commissioner Sir Kingi M. Ihaka and teamed with iconic illustrations by famed pop artist Dick Frizzell, this story has captivated and entertained children for four generations. It has been performed in concerts, adapted into Christmas plays and even inspired a festive community light show on Auckland’s Harbour Bridge. (From the publisher’s website.)
This is a classic, and for very good reason. I see your ‘five gold rings’ and offer ‘five huhu grubs’ – which are fair cooler.
Recommended by: Auntie Anne.
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