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¡Brrrum, Brrrum!/Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!

¡Brrrum, Brrrum!/Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!

¡Brrrum, Brrrum!/Zoom, Zoom, Zoom! book cover.

Translated by: Yanitzia Canetti.

Illustrated by: Annie Kubler.

This is a super adorable board book set to the music of “Zoom Zoom Zoom We’re Going to the Moon”. Why I post this book isn’t because of the song though. It is such an inclusive book with about five pages! In this tiny book children are building rockets to go to the moon. At the end of the book the child in the wheelchair is surrounded happily by the other children with his rocket wheelchair! It shows children that everybody can, and should be, included. There is also a child with an eye patch and one with a hearing aid!

This book is Spanish bilingual. I’m not much of a singer and I don’t speak Spanish but I would love to know if the lyrics match up with the tune in Spanish.

Book submitted by: Library for the Kind.

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