Written by: Rose Ann Tahe and Nancy Bo Flood.
Illustrated by: Jonathan Nelson.
The First Laugh Ceremony is a celebration held to welcome a new member of the community. As everyone — from Baby’s nima (mom) to nadi (big sister) to cheii (grandfather) — tries to elicit the joyous sound from Baby, readers are introduced to details about Navajo life and the Navajo names for family members. Back matter includes information about other cultural ceremonies that welcome new babies and children, including man yue celebration (China), sanskaras (Hindu) and aquiqa (Muslim).
Ages: 3 to 5 years old / 5 to 7 years old.
Notes: Family, celebrating babies, Navajo language and culture, First Laugh Ceremony.
Navajo-Diné author, co-author lived 15 years on the Navajo Nation, Diné illustrator.
Credit: Ms Christina (Storytime Solidarity member).
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