Written and illustrated by: Andrea U’Ren.
Good “boy”?
Mike and his pup are great friends. Every day Mike takes Pugdog for a walk in the park; every night he treats Pugdog to a belly scratch before bed. But Mike doesn’t know very much about dogs. Not only is Pugdog not a pug — Pugdog is not even a he, as Mike had thought all along, but a she! Oh my! Mike feels obliged to give Pugdog a crash course on how to look and act the way a girl dog should. The only problem is, Mike doesn’t know much about this subject either.
Andrea U’Ren’s debut picture book is a funny romp featuring an adorable canine who ends up teaching her owner a few tricks. (From GoodReads.)
This book appears on State Rep Matt Krause’s booklist.
The complete booklist is downloadable here.
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