Written by: Lucy Falcone.
Illustrated by: Anna Wilson.
A village is left in ruins after the bombs fall. The beloved library is burned to ash. Food is scarce. Danger is abundant. Every aspect of daily life is changed. How will home ever feel as it once did?
But then one day, the Librarian emerges in the town square. Seated on a bench in front of the library’s remains, she opens a book and begins to read aloud. The village children stop to listen.
“Foolish woman,” Papa says. “Too dangerous,” Mama agrees, hurrying the children away. But day after day the librarian returns to her post, her voice carrying stories above the thunder of tanks and to the broken hearts of the people. Little by little, the persistent Librarian’s stories seed hope in the people, and their village begins to mend.
Inspired by the bombing of the National Library of Sarajevo during the Bosnian War, and bombing of the library at the University of Mosul in Iraq, THE LIBRARIAN’S STORIES is a testament to the enduring connection between stories and hope. (From GoodReads.)
Recommended by: Auntie Anne.
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