Written by: Philippa Werry.
Illustrated by: Burak Akbay.
Award-winning children’s author Philippa Werry teams up with leading Turkish illustrator Burak Akbay to tell a tale that crosses the battle lines of Gallipoli.
Young girl Derya and her family move from Turkey to live in New Zealand, bringing with them family treasures including the water bottle that her great-grandfather Hasan brought back from Gallipoli.
At school she learns that her new friend Tom had a great-great-uncle who fought at Gallipoli. Together with their friend Airini they learn what happened when New Zealand and Turkish soldiers met there, and how an Anzac soldier gave the water bottle to Hasan after he was wounded.
After attending an Anzac Day ceremony, the friends come home together and Tom’s mum makes Anzac biscuits.
‘Look at the three of us,’ Airini says. ‘Many years ago our families fought each other, but now we can be friends.’
(From GoodReads.)
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