by Miss Rosie Reads.
Why Am I Doing a Hanukkah Storytime?
Good question!
The short answer is: because I was asked to, also because as an advocate for multicultural programs, it’s essential for me to step beyond my own cultural experiences and explore events outside my usual purview.
During a meeting with other Spanish-speaking librarians, we were exchanging ideas about our programs. One librarian mentioned hosting a Hanukkah Storytime, and my interest was immediately piqued. I asked about the details — who would be reading, and what the program entailed. She explained that a retired school teacher in her community, who identifies as Jewish, volunteers annually to lead the event. While this sounded wonderful, I was momentarily disappointed because I’d hoped it might be a presenter I could collaborate with.
Then inspiration struck. I asked, “Would it be helpful to have a Hanukkah Storytime Kit available for librarians who might want to host such an event but lack the knowledge or resources?” The response was an enthusiastic “YES!”
Determined to make this idea a reality, I reached out to my Storytime Solidarity Group, hoping to brainstorm and find guidance. Kate Reynolds, the founder, connected me with Heidi Rabinowitz, a passionate advocate for Jewish children’s literature. During our conversation, I shared the details of my initial meeting, and we quickly realized the key to creating an effective kit: it needed to be a collaboration between someone outside the Jewish community (like me) and someone within the community (like Heidi). This approach would ensure that the resources were both authentic and respectful, making them accessible to anyone interested in hosting a Hanukkah Storytime.
Working with Heidi was an incredible experience. Her wealth of knowledge was invaluable, and I was able to share my own interest in Jewish-Colombian connections, further enriching our discussions. Together, we compiled a comprehensive resource list, which includes:
- Key terms and their pronunciations
- Hanukkah traditions and their significance
- Recipes for traditional foods
- Games and activities
- Coloring sheets by author/illustrator Ann Koffsky (shared with her permission)
- Videos of Hanukkah songs by various artists
The resources and accompanying slides are designed to be informative, engaging, and easy to use. I tested them in my preschool storytime and incorporated a variety of activities:
- Dancing to Laurie Berkner’s Dreidel Song (a fun spin-and-stop activity)
- Singing along to Alina Celeste and 123 Andrés’ Spanish rendition of Ocho Candelikas
- Introducing a menorah, allowing children to handle the candles and learn through tactile exploration
I also provided coloring sheets and invited children to repeat key words. Parents expressed their appreciation, with many mentioning they had learned new information about Hanukkah’s origins and significance.
This experience underscored the importance of representation and education. By teaching about different cultures, we foster empathy, cultural sensitivity, and mutual respect. It’s a joy and a privilege to share the richness of Hanukkah in a way that’s engaging and meaningful for children and families alike.
A few words from Heidi Rabinowitz.
I’m a synagogue librarian, a Jewish kidlit podcaster, and an advocate for Jewish children’s literature and its inclusion in diverse book spaces. I am continually heartened by the enthusiasm of the Storytime Solidarity team for including Jewish content in their diverse lineup! With the recent alarming rise in antisemitism, it’s so important to build bridges of understanding between the Jewish community and the rest of the world. That’s why I was so happy to act as a resource for Miss Rosie as she planned her Hanukkah storytime.
Inviting a Jewish storyteller to do a program at your library is a great idea, but I’m also glad to see non-Jewish librarians do Hanukkah storytimes (or other Jewish themed storytimes) as long as they take the time to learn the facts and traditions first. While we wouldn’t want public librarians leading religious practices, it’s appropriate to share information and customs. Working with Rosie was lovely – she asked great questions and worked hard to paint an accurate picture of Hanukkah in her slideshow and her storytime. I hope more librarians will be encouraged to learn about Jewish traditions, consult with Jewish friends, and bring the beauty of Jewish culture into their storytimes.
Hanukkah resource list:
Hanukkah (the Festival of Lights, means “dedication” in Hebrew).
Judaism is a rich and multicultural tradition, encompassing a diverse range of cultural backgrounds, including Latino, Asian American, African American, and many others. As a result, the celebration of Hanukkah reflects this diversity, with variations in music, food, and customs. While the core traditions and values remain consistent, the specific foods and songs can vary, reflecting the unique cultural influences within different Jewish communities.
It is good to sound out the words with the kids.
Hanukkah haa·nuh·kuh: the Festival of Lights, means “dedication” in Hebrew.
Dreidel dray·dl: spinning top.
Menorah muh·naw·ruh: Hanukkah candelabra.
Shamash sha·mawsh: helper candle that lights the others.
Sufganiyot soof·gaa·nee·owt: jelly donuts.
Gelt: chocolate coins.
Latke laat·kuh: potato pancake.
Tzedakah seh·duh·kuh: charity, also means “justice”.
Maccabees ma·kuh·beez: the Jewish warriors from the Hanukkah story.
Traditional items:
- Menorah and candles.
- Tzedakah box to collect money for charity.
- Latkes.
- Sufganiyot.
- Dreidels.
- Chocolate gelt.
Manipulatives you can purchase for cultural kits, or educational cultural play:
- My First Chanukah Play Set, 7 pieces.
- “Mench on the Bench” is a Jewish toy similar to Elf on a Shelf. FYI “mensch” is Yiddish for a person of integrity.
- The Dreidel Game (instructions): You can use chocolate gelt, M&Ms, pennies, or any small pieces to play the game. You can buy cheap dreidels at a party store, or nice dreidels online, or really fancy dreidels from a Judaica shop.
Jewish Publishers:
- Karben Publishers.
- Apples and Honey Press.
- Kalaniot Press.
- Intergalactic Afikomen.
- Green Bean Books.
- Hachai.
- Menucha.
List supplied by Heidi via JewishBooks blog.
Dreidel song:
A popular children’s song with Yiddish and English versions, a bit of an earworm! Another dreidel related song is the Hebrew children’s song Sevivon, Sov, Sov, Sov (Sevivon is Hebrew for dreidel).
Dreidel song performed in English by Laurie Berkner – famous children’s performer, who happens to be Jewish. At the end it shows the rules for playing dreidel for a few minutes. No lyrics shown. Includes extra verses.
A quick Yiddish version of the Dreidel song in 3-part harmony.
Sevivon, Sov Sov Sov from Shaboom, in Hebrew and English with lyrics on screen.
Ocho Kandelikas:
A Ladino song about lighting Hanukkah candles (Ladino is the language of Sephardic Jews, whose families lived in Spain before the Inquisition and the Expulsion).
Performed in Ladino by Evoéh with lyrics displayed.
Performed in Spanish by Alina Celeste and 123 Andrés – very kid-friendly version.
Hanukkah O Hanukkah:
An upbeat song that describes Hanukkah customs, available in Yiddish and English. (Yiddish is the traditional language of Jews from Eastern Europe.)
In English, performed by Jason Mesches – sings fast and in a kid-friendly way.
In both English and Yiddish, from BimBam.
Sign language version.
The songs listed above are some of the most popular and well known but there are many, many other songs for Hanukkah. Here are a few notable examples:
The Hanukkah Dance by Woody Guthrie (his wife was Jewish), performed by Nefesh Mountain, a Jewish band that performs in bluegrass style.
Puppy for Hanukkah by Daveed Diggs, a hip hop song with klezmer elements by the biracial Jewish “Hamilton” star, a very fun song with diverse Jewish representation in the video.
Just a quick note, if you’re looking for more Hanukkah titles for a Spanish-speaking or heavily Hispanic group, or just to show the diversity of the Jewish community (aside from the wonderful “J is for Januca”), three other lovely ones are the gorgeous “Hanukkah in Little Havana” by Julie Anna Blank (inspired by her own family), and “The Mexican Dreidel” by Linda Elovitz Marshall, as well as the lovely older “Hanukkah Moon”.