Today the children of Ontario went back to school. This year, over a decade, after I finished graduate school, I feel like today is my first day too.
May 27th was a beautiful day for me I remember it as a beautiful haze of productivity and creativity. I felt I remember like my life was finally righting itself after 2020… I even filmed a dragon-themed StoryTime. We used a green screen and puppets and all kinds of exciting StoryTime props! I can’t wait to finally see the finished product. I’m a bit too into my storytimes. It’s a special interest of mine and I’m finding I enjoy it more than I expected. My niece thinks the videos are magical. We have a lot of fun.
Some days are magical not because they’re outstanding but because they’re so beautifully ordinary. Drinking sparkling water as I drove my little car for what would be the last time for months; I’m still not driving but I hope to drive again soon. I remember sitting out on my balcony. I don’t remember the moments immediately before I found myself falling. My toe catches and then in blurs. My brain spares me some of the details. Surgery followed. I was fortunate enough to have a world-class surgeon who did in one surgery what I had been cautioned might take “at least two of three”. The recovery has been long and it’s coming to an end. Every day I’m stronger. Every day I’m more grateful that I get to spend my days doing work I love.
I’m also fortunate to have the best colleagues imaginable. In July, as I was recovering from surgery the doctor did not think he could do, I was called upon by some colleagues to consider starting a new Facebook group for storytimers as Storytime Underground, long a favourite resource was shutting down. I get the privilege of reviewing membership requests and I see that StoryTime Solidarity, less than 2 months old and is already 2000 members strong, is a group of amazing library workers, educators, and awesome creators.
Thank you to all who have helped with StoryTime Solidarity so far. This group, and now this amazing new website, gave me something to do when I was feeling something worse than sub-optimal. Working to grow this group and to build this resource made me feel productive. Bedridden, I needed to feel I still had a purpose and a place. I can only imagine how much more we can accomplish moving forward now that I’m finally ambulatory.
Thank you, everyone, who’s joining me on this journey. We’re here to share resources, recommendations, and all things libraries and StoryTime. We’re also here to make sure that every child feels welcomed and create a safe, LGBTQI2S+ and disability positive, and anti-racist space. I see you and the work that you do and am I grateful to help support other storytimers in my small way.