Another School Day by Flannel Board Fun
©Wendy Gerbi / FlannelBoardFun.com
First day jitters — be gone! This sweet song can help ease small children’s fears about school as it emphasizes the kindness and fun they’ll find at school.
Down at the school where the kids are kind,
Five little friends are what you’ll find.
This little friend likes to build and play
He is ready for another school day! (remove from the board)
Down at the school where the kids are kind,
Four little friends are what you’ll find.
This little friend likes to paint and play,
She is ready for another school day!
Down at the school where the kids are kind,
Three little friends are what you’ll find.
This little friend likes to count and play
They are ready for another school day!
Down at the school where the kids are kind,
Two little friends are what you’ll find.
This little friend likes to read and play
She is ready for another school day!
Down at the school were the kids are kind,
One little friend is what you’ll find.
This little friend likes to sing and play
They are ready for another school day!
Down at the school where the kids are kind,
Lots of friends are what you’ll find.
Kids and teachers like to work and play
They are ready for another school day!
Resources for You!
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool