Counting up to 5: Preschool numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ©123 Andrés
Five, five, I’m counting up to five
I like, I like counting up to five
And when we count together
I like it even better!
There’s our friend the seal
Playing with some balls
How many does she have?
Help us count them all!
One, two, three, four, five… five bouncy balls!
Look at the parrots
Perched up in the tree
You can help us count them!
How many do you see?
One, two, three, four, five… five parrots!
I just bought some apples
They’re perfect for a snack
We put them on the table
How many do we have?
One, two, three, four, five… five apples!
I just thought of something
So we can count again
We can count five fingers
Five fingers on our hand!
One, two, three, four, five… five fingers on our hand!
Five, five… five bouncy balls
Five, five… five parrots in the tree
Five, five… five apples for our snack
Five, five… five fingers on our hand
Five five, I’m counting up to five
And when we count together
I like it even better!
Copyright: Permission given for educational use.
123 Andrés is the Latin Grammy-winning music duo of Andrés and Christina. We cannot thank them enough for making their lovely music in Spanish and English available for Storytime Solidarity members to use in their programs. ¡Muchas gracias!