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Diez Pajaritos / Ten Little Birds

123 Andrés

Diez Pajaritos/ Ten Little Birds — by 123 Andrés

Count down and up with 123 Andrés and some little birds.

See the LYRICS IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH beautifully laid out at


Diez pajaritos sobre un tejado.
Dos se marcharon.
¿Cuántos quedaron?

Ocho pajaritos sobre un tejado.
Dos se marcharon.
¿Cuántos quedaron?

Seis pajaritos sobre un tejado.
Dos se marcharon.
¿Cuántos quedaron?

Cuatro pajaritos sobre un tejado.
Dos se marcharon.
¿Cuántos quedaron?

Dos pajaritos sobre un tejado.
Dos se marcharon.
¿Cuántos quedaron?

No hay pajaritos sobre el tejado.
Todo está solo y muy callado.
Y de repente todos los pajaritos se dan vuelta y empiezan a regresar.

Volvió uno.
Volvieron dos.
Volvieron tres.
Volvieron cuatro.
Volvieron cinco.
Volvieron seis.
Volvieron siete.
Volvieron ocho.
Volvieron nueve.
¡Volvieron diez!

Diez pajaritos sobre un tejado
van dando vueltas para este lado.


Ten little birds over a roof.
Two flew away.
How many stayed?

Eight little birds over a roof.
Two flew away.
How many stayed?

Six little birds over a roof.
Two flew away.
How many stayed?

Four little birds over a roof.
Two flew away.
How many stayed?

Two little birds over a roof.
Two flew away.
How many stayed?

No little birds over the roof.
Where did they go? Please come back soon.
Everything was so quiet, and then all of a sudden all the birds turned around and started
coming back.

Here comes one.
Here come two.
Here come three.
Here come four.
Here come five.
Here come six.
Here come seven.
Here come eight.
Here come nine.
Here come ten!

Ten little birds over the roof
dancing around like me and you.


123 Andrés is the Latin Grammy-winning music duo of Andrés and Christina. We cannot thank them enough for making their lovely music in Spanish and English available for Storytime Solidarity members to use in their programs. ¡Muchas gracias!


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