Dragon Tails by Flannel Board Fun
©Wendy Gerbi
To the tune of The Itsy Bitsy Spider — stand up and move!
Imagine a group of children flapping their arms, wiggling their tails, roaring, laughing, and having fun… That’s what you get with this fun new dragon music and movement song! Have fun 🙂
Lyrics and Movements:
No little dragons flying all around (shrug)
Along comes a blue one with a little roaring sound (roar!)
She wiggles her tail and roars a little more (wiggle and roar!)
She blows a little flame (whooo!), then up she soars! (flap wings!)
One little dragon, flying all around…
Continue, naming their colors as you add them, until…
Five little dragons flying all around (flap arms)
They make a big ruckus with all those roaring sounds! (roar!)
They wiggle their tails and they roar a little more (wiggle & roar)
But now their wings are tired so down they soar!
Resources for You!
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool