Five Dragons Flying Free by Flannel Board Fun
Your toddlers and preschoolers can learn counting, rhyming and colors the fun, developmentally appropriate way — through play! This original dragon preschool song, based on the classic “Five Green and Speckled Frogs,” is so engaging when you use a felt board, and it can easily be performed as a finger play, too.
©2020 Wendy Gerbi
Five dragons flying free, over the land and sea
They like to flap their wings and soar! (flap, flap)
One breathes a flame of fire, then she flies high and higher
That leaves four dragons flying free (flap, flap!)
(Continue, counting down until they are all high on the board)
Resources for You!
Get the pattern for these cute dragons
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool