Five Shiny Ornaments by Flannel Board Fun
©Wendy Gerbi/FlannelBoardFun
This cute counting Christmas Five Shiny Ornaments rhyme is simple, colorful fun for preschool circle time or library story time.
Five shiny ornaments,
Five, and not one more!
I take one ornament carefully down,
And that leaves just (1..2…3….) 4!
Four colorful ornaments,
Hanging on the tree,
I take one ornament gently down,
And that leaves (1…2…) 3!
Three sparkly ornaments,
They’re delicate, it’s true.
I take one ornament carefully down,
And that leaves (1…) 2!
Two bright ornaments,
I love this Christmas fun!
I take one ornament gently down,
And that leaves…1!
One glittery ornament,
The other ones are gone…
I take that ornament carefully down,
And that leaves…none!
Resources for You!
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