“Five Unicorns Went Out One Day” by Flannel Board Fun
A unicorn take on the classic “Five Little Ducks” preschool fingerplay and song! Colors, numbers, and early literacy fun for circle time, story time, or at home play.
One, two, three, four, five.
Five unicorns went out one day
Beyond the rainbow and far away
The papa unicorn said, “Please don’t roam.”
But only four unicorns came home.
One, two, three, four …
One, two, three …
One, two …
One …
None. Oh dear.
Well, papa unicorn went out one day
Searching for his unicorns far away
He searched far and he searched near
And just like magic, they re-appeared.
One, two, three, four, five. Back they came. The end.
Resources for you!
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool