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I’ll See You Later, Alligator

I’ll See You Later, Alligator by The Loudest Librarian


A song to help you remember the differences between alligators and crocodiles. For more songs visit:


If you see something in the water
With scales and lots of teeth,
Looking like a floating log
With four legs underneath.
You can tell that it must be a type
Of dangerous reptile.
But is it an alligator
Or a hungry crocodile?
I’ll see you later, Alligator,
With your mouth shaped like a U,
But Crocodile, with the V-shaped smile,
It’ll be a while
‘Till I see you.
Alligators like to live in swamps,
While crocs prefer a river.
No matter where you find them,
They’re sure to make you shiver.
On crocs you see their bottom teeth,
On gators just the top.
If you’re able to see either,
You’re way too close, so STOP!
I’ll see you later, Alligator,
With your mouth shaped like a U,
But Crocodile, with the V-shaped smile,
It’ll be a while
‘Till I see you.
A crocodile has lighter skin,
While gator’s skin is dark,
To help them hide out in the mud
Waiting to catch their mark.
Learning of their differences
Can be a lot of fun,
But one thing they have in common,
If you see one you should run!
I’ll see you later, Alligator,
With your mouth shaped like a U,
But Crocodile, with the V-shaped smile,
It’ll be a while
‘Till I see you.

Copyright: Permission given for educational use.

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