Looky, Looky a Yummy Cookie: Circle Time Song by Flannel Board Fun
©Wendy Gerbi/FlannelBoardFun
Looky, Looky a Yummy Cookie is a fun and simple cookie song for toddlers and preschool kids at circle time! This sweet (ha!) circle time flannel board song focuses on colors, pretend baking, and fun, and is a quick and easy way to draw attention and get kids engaged!
(Tune: Five Little Ducks)
One delicious cookie in the cookie store
One is not enough we want some more
Along comes a baker and oh looky looky
That baker mixed some cookie dough
And baked another cookie.
Two delicious cookies in the cookie store
Two is not enough we want some more
Along comes a baker and oh looky looky
That baker mixed some cookie dough
And baked another cookie.
Three delicious cookies in the cookie store
Three is not enough we want some more
Along comes a baker and oh looky looky
That baker mixed some cookie dough
And baked another cookie.
Four delicious cookies in the cookie store
Four is not enough we want some more
Along comes a baker and oh looky looky
That baker mixed some cookie dough
And baked another cookie.
Five delicious cookies in the cookie store
Five is quite enough we don’t need any more
Along comes the baker and oh looky looky
That baker pours a glass of milk
And eats up all the cookies.
Copyright: Permission given for educational use.
Resources for You!
Buy this cute felt board song set right here
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool