Motor Vehicle Count Up by Flannel Board Fun
© Wendy Gerbi/FlannelBoardFun.com
This vehicle counting preschool song is such a fun way to build early learning skills in a playful way. Get the kids counting and singing along as you count the vehicles and build transportation vocabulary and concepts.
No motor vehicles traveling today,
No motor vehicles carrying people on their way.
Along comes a car, hear the engine roar!
Now there’s one motor vehicle, let’s go find some more!
(Continue adding any 4 vehicles you want — make sure you include at least one each that drives, sails or flies — counting up until…)
Five motor vehicles, traveling today.
Five motor vehicles carrying people on their way.
They drop off the passengers, the people wave goodbye.
They’ll be back tomorrow to drive, sail, and fly!
Resources for You!
Website and resource center for fun play based ideas for home or preschool