T-R-A-I-N Bingo by Flannel Board Fun
©Wendy Gerbi/FlannelBoardFun.com
This train version of the preschool song “BINGO” is always a hit with the preschool crowd, and its got so many early literacy and musical benefits for preschoolers, too! Come sing!
Sing to the tune of the classic song, “BINGO.”
What’s that chugging down the track?
I think it is a train!
T-R-A-I-N, T-R-A-I-N, T-R-A-I-N,
Oh, YES it is a train!
Flip over the T to reveal a train coming towards you. For the next verse, replace T with “choo”! Continue in this way until you’re just choo-chooing away!
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