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There Were Faces, Faces!

Earth with mask on pink background with music notes and stares

Note: This song is under copyright.


There Were Faces, Faces!

​Tune: The Corner Grocery Store (Raffi)

Adapted by Kate Reynolds the Lavender Librarian

There were faces, faces! All over the places! With no masks! With no masks!
​There were faces, faces, all over the places! At the corner grocery store!

Oh….KAY, I’ll admit I did not see…my grownups they did not take me!
My grownups, they did not take me!

There were flies, flies, on hands un-sanitized! At the store! At the store!
There were flies, flies, on hands un-sanitized! At the corner grocery store!

Oh….KAY, I’ll admit I did not see…my grownups they did not take me!
My grownups, they did not take me!

There were sneezes, sneezes blowing on the breezes at the store, at the store,
there were sneezes, sneezes blowing on the breezes at the corner grocery store

Oh….KAY, I’ll admit I did not see…my grownups they did not take me!
My grownups, they did not take me!

There were noses, noses, open and exposed! At the store, at the store!
There were noses, noses, open and exposed at the corner grocery store!

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