Wheels on the Bike — by Little Miss Ann
The wheels, wheels, wheels, wheels, wheels, wheels on the bike (x2)
They go round and round (x2)
Round and round
The handlebars, handlebars, handlebars on the bike (x2)
They right and left. They go left and right.
Right and left
Now the bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell, bell on the bike (x2)
It goes ring-a-ding. It goes ring-a-ding.
The chain, chain, chain, chain, chain, chain on the bike (x2)
It goes clankety clank. It goes clankety clank
Clankety clank
The kids, kids, kids, kids, kids, kids on the bike (x2)
They go up and down. They go up and down.
Up and down
Song written by Ann Torralba.
Ann Torralba, aka Little Miss Ann, is an award-winning Chicago kids’ musician, a former Chicago Public School teacher, an instructor at Chicago’s iconic Old Town School of Folk Music, a mom, a social rights activist, a governor for the Chicago Recording Academy Chapter as well as DEI Ambassador, and a first generation Filipina American.